UPDATE - Tornado Watch ended for Pembina Valley, continues for ...

Tornado watch

Updated at 8:55pm - Environment Canada has ended the Tornado Watch for regions west of the Red River and Highway 75, including the Morden, Winkler, Carman, Altona, Emerson and Morris areas. The Tornado Watch continues for most regions of Southeastern Manitoba Steinbach, St. Adolphe, Vita and Richer, Sprague and Northwest Angle Provincial Forest.

According to the weather agency, ideal ingredients for significant tornadoes are coming together this afternoon.

"A very warm, very moist and therefore, very unstable airmass over southern Manitoba combined with strong upper-level winds and low-level boundaries support severe supercell thunderstorms with favourable ingredients for significant tornadoes," stated the Watch.

 These severe thunderstorms are expected to develop late afternoon/early evening, and track east towards the Ontario border.

Tornado watches are issued when atmospheric conditions are favourable for the development of thunderstorms that could produce tornadoes.

In the event of a tornado, or if a tornado warning is issued for your area, it is recommended you take the following actions: Go indoors to a room on the lowest floor, away from outside walls and windows, such as a basement, bathroom, stairwell or interior closet. Leave mobile homes, vehicles, tents, trailers and other temporary or free-standing shelter, and move to a strong building if you can. As a last resort, lie in a low spot and protect your head from flying debris. Lightning kills and injures Canadians every year. Remember, when thunder roars, go indoors!

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