Today's Wordle Review: October 8, 2023

8 Oct 2023



News Today - Figure 1
Photo The New York Times

Our columnist reviews the day’s puzzle. Warning: Contains spoilers!

Credit...Adrian Kay Wong

Oct. 8, 2023, 3:00 a.m. ET

Welcome to The Wordle Review. Be warned: This article contains spoilers for today’s puzzle. Solve Wordle first, or scroll at your own risk.

Note the date before you comment. To avoid spoiling the game for others, make sure you are posting a comment about Wordle 841.

This month’s featured artist is Adrian Kay Wong. You can read more about him here.

Wordle 841 3/6

⬜????????⬜???? KNIFE????⬜???????????? BRINE???????????????????? BINGE

Welcome to yet another Wordle wild ride. I ask you, the same way you’re probably asking yourself, what kind of maniac starts with KNIFE? I solved this puzzle, voided that thought process from my brain, then revisited it a few hours later, and I still couldn’t understand the machinations of my own mind.

With my second guess, I chose a word that obviously couldn’t be correct, because the I was in the same place as it was in my first guess, and it brought only two new letters to the table. Why BRINE? It’s what I thought of, and it’s what I put on the page.

Fortunately, my unusual life choices paid off, and with four out of five letters, the answer wasn’t too hard to find. I’m more shocked than anyone that I was able to solve this in three, but sometimes things just work out. I give this puzzle one star so as not to encourage anyone else’s bad habits.

Today’s word is BINGE, a noun. According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, it refers to a spree of “unrestrained imbibing.”

Today’s Difficulty

Today’s Wordle is moderately challenging because of the unfamiliarity of the letter pattern. The pattern is distinct enough that the answer can usually be found using elimination strategies within six guesses.

For more in-depth analysis, visit our friend WordleBot.

Our Featured Artist

Adrian Kay Wong presents encapsulated moments that portray settings of the everyday: often subjects and scenes that comprise seemingly incidental circumstances of daily life. His paintings place a focused lens on the intimate and familiar, reserving care for the sentimental, melancholic and quiet experience of personal narratives. By exacting a deliberate and measured flatness that levels the attention between the subject and its context, Mr. Wong explores the subtleties of life that are often overlooked. Mr. Wong was raised in the eastern San Francisco Bay Area and received a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2013. He lives and works in Los Angeles.

Further Reading

See the archive for past and future posts.

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