Kristen Stewart Calls Out Rolling Stone Cover Sexism

13 Mar 2024
Last month, Kristen was on the cover of Rolling Stone wearing a leather vest and a jock strap, posing with her hand down her underwear. She told the publication, "If I got through the entire Twilight series without ever doing a Rolling Stone cover, it’s because the boys were the sex symbols. Now, I want to do the gayest fucking thing you’ve ever seen in your life. If I could grow a little mustache, if I could grow a fucking happy trail and unbutton my pants, I would. Guys — I’m sorry — but their fucking pubes are shoved in my face constantly."

Collier Schorr, Artist Commissions

Kristen Stewart Rolling Stone cover - Figure 1
Photo BuzzFeed

Multiple people, both men and women, over the years have covered Rolling Stone topless, in a state of undress, or totally nude.

"Sure," Kristen replied, looking disappointed — before the cover was shown to the applause of the crowd.

When asked why some people were so "upset," including trolls accusing Kristen of "turning into a man," Kristen replied, "Let's keep this light. I think it's a little ironic because I've seen a lot of male pubic hair on the cover of things. I've seen a lot of hands in pants and unbuttoned [pants]."

Kristen Stewart Rolling Stone cover - Figure 2
Photo BuzzFeed

James Devaney / GC Images

"I think there's a certain overt acknowledgement of female sexuality that has its own volition in a way that is annoying for people that are sexist and homophobic," she continued.


When Stephen noted that Rolling Stone, or magazines like Sports Illustrated, had "more explicit" covers, Kristen emphasized, "It's not remotely explicit."

Kristen Stewart Rolling Stone cover - Figure 3
Photo BuzzFeed

Dominique Charriau / WireImage

"Female sexuality isn't supposed to actually want anything but to be had. [The cover] feels like it's protruding in a way that might be annoying. But fuck you," she continued with a smile. "But I never will! I think that's the problem."

Kristen Stewart Rolling Stone cover - Figure 4
Photo BuzzFeed


You can read Kristen's full Rolling Stone story here.
Kristen Stewart Rolling Stone cover - Figure 5
Photo BuzzFeed
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