10 July 4th Reads - The Big Picture

4 Jul 2023

July 4, 2023 6:30am by Barry Ritholtz

July 4th - Figure 1
Photo Barry Ritholtz

My July 4th morning reads:

• American States Once Awash In Cash See Their Fortunes Suddenly Reversed: California, New York lead declines in revenue so far this year Texas, Florida coffers keep growing amid population influx. (Bloomberg)

• The Localist: Why did Chicago become the headquarters of free market fundamentalism? Adam Smith offers a clue why the Scottish philosopher became an icon of American Capitalism. (Boston Review)

• Suddenly, It Looks Like We’re in a Golden Age for Medicine: We may be on the cusp of an era of astonishing innovation — the limits of which aren’t even clear yet. (New York Times)

• The Depths to Which We Go: Making sense of absence in the ever-dissolving karst of Missouri. (Longreads)

• Against Exercise Machines: Ellipticals, weightlifting contraptions, bikes with screens—just ditch them all. (Slate)

• The First MAGA Democrat: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is feeding Americans’ appetite for conspiracies. (The Atlantic) see also Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Inside Job: How a conspiracy-spewing literal Kennedy posing as a populist outsider jolted the Democratic Party. (New York Magazine)

• HBO shows are coming to Netflix. Here’s why that matters. Netflix set out to become HBO. Now it’s going to stream actual HBO shows. Goodbye, streaming wars? (Vox)

• For Most College Students, Affirmative Action Was Never Enough: It’s not until you reach admission rates of 70 to 80% that you begin to see the colleges where the majority of students attend 56% of these college students go to school that admits at least three-quarters of its applicants. These statistics reveal a simple fact about affirmative action in higher education: it matters very little for the majority of American college students. (New York Times)

• Black Hole at Heart of Our Galaxy Is on Crash Course, Space-Time Ripples Reveal: Gravitational waves coming from supermassive black holes like the one at the center of the Milky Way are offering clues to their fates. (Wall Street Journal)

• Dave Grohl’s Monument to Mortality: With trademark ferocity, the Foo Fighters front man is tackling the capriciousness of sudden loss. (The Atlantic)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Ilana Weinstein, founder and chief executive officer of IDW Group, the top recruiter of fund managers and traders for many of the largest hedge funds. She previously worked at Goldman Sachs and Boston Consulting Group, and holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Business School.

Wildfires caused by fireworks

Source: Flowing Data

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