Former B.C. premier John Horgan battling cancer for third time

3 days ago

Posted June 25, 2024 1:00 pm

John Horgan - Figure 1

Updated June 25, 2024 7:09 pm

1 min read

2:56 Former B.C. premier John Horgan announces new cancer diagnosis

John Horgan is revealing another cancer diagnosis. The former B.C. premier and Canada's ambassador to Germany -- is fighting thyroid cancer. Richard Zussman has the latest.

Former B.C. premier John Horgan has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and is receiving immunotherapy treatment.

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Horgan has taken a leave from his current job as Canada’s ambassador to Germany to receive medical support.

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“After a routine follow up in Berlin from my previous throat cancer another separate cancer was discovered that has proven to be complicated,” Horgan said in a statement to Global News.

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“I am on leave from my position at the embassy and in hospital receiving immunotherapy to treat this new thyroid cancer. It is the third instance of cancer I have had but I remain confident and hopeful that I will again live long and prosper.”

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Horgan was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2021, while serving as premier, and underwent 35 sessions of radiation at the Victoria Cancer Clinic.

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He stepped down as premier in 2022 stating at the time the ongoing cancer treatment had taken a physical toll on him but did not blame the disease for this decision to leave electoral politics.

The long-time B.C. politician was appointed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as ambassador to Germany in November 2023. He is living in Berlin alongside his wife Ellie.

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He was sworn in as premier in July 2017. He won re-election with a majority government in October 2020.

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In 2008, Horgan was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He was later declared cancer-free after surgery and treatment.

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated what year Horgan won re-election. Global News regrets the error.

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