Xavi does not ensure the continuity of Dembélé and clarifies the role ...

30 Jul 2023

Xavi Hernández en el partido de Barça contra el Arsenal

Published:30/07/2023 - 02:22h

Updated:30/07/2023 - 02:22h

After the forceful victory of the FC Barcelona on the Real Madrid, Xavi Hernández has analyzed the party and took advantage of to 'get wet' on the continuity of Ousmane Dembélé and the future of Fermín López

The FC Barcelona has attained his first victory of turns it of pre-season by United States in front of the Real Madrid, in a party that has not been at all friendly. Ousmane Dembélé Was the attendant to open the marker and went back to show that it is a player determinant and important for the team, whereas Fermín López (with help of Ferran Torres) was the attendant to expand the advantage in the marker. Night rendonda and 'happy' for the blaugrana.

After the clash in the AT&T Stadium of Dallas, Xavi Hernández analysed the party and confessed that, although the result is been bulky and positive, "does not mean that we have done a súper split. The Madrid has a much wider staff that ours. They went taking out players and have a fan of possibilities. Have a big staff. I am satisfied of how compete, but it is necessary to improve a lot of things and, in a lot of moments, resembled what want to be".

The future of Fermín... In the first team?

On the protagonists of the meeting, Dembélé and Fermín, the trainer egarense has been able to deepen. It has begun speaking of the player of 20 years, the one who signed a goal and assistance in less than eight minutes for 'sentence' the party: "Has last pass, something that was missing us the past season. Also it has kick from out, that was missing us. We do not have complex to look to the youngsters".

Later, Xavi insisted in that "it is a footballer with talent, with last pass, that dominates the two legs. It can play of right, of left, of lacking extreme. I see him a lot of personality. It is hungry and you win. When I see him train, think that have to give him minutes. If I give him minutes is because it deserves it to him" and confirmed that 'can' remain in dynamics of first team, but depends on he: "Always I say them that it depends on his mentality. It has showed it in his trainings. Has talent. The player has to give confidence to the player and to me likes me what am seeing. Today it has marked the difference. It has marked with the left-handed and assisted with the right-handed".

No 'wet' with the future of Dembélé

On the other hand, Xavi has been questioned on the future of an Ousmane Dembélé that it could leave the team by 'alone' 50 million euros. The Paris Saint-Germain is very interested in him and the egarense has not guaranteeed that the French will remain this season: "The market can not it control. There are some clauses and is a decision of the player. I see it happy and he will have to decide. I see it adaptadísimo. It has transmitted us that is happy. It is very differential".

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