Turks Cold-Shoulder Israeli El Al Emergency Landing

6 days ago
El Al flight emergency landing
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An Israeli airliner was refused refueling services after making an emergency landing in Turkey on June 30. El Al flight LY5102 from Warsaw to Tel Aviv was diverted to Antalya, Turkey, after a passenger took ill and required urgent medical care. The Jerusalem Post reported that “the plane had initially received permission to refuel at the Antalya airport, but Turkish political parties delayed this decision on grounds that permits were required to refuel.” Instead, after a three-hour delay, the plane departed for Rhodes, Greece, to refuel there before continuing to Israel. Direct flights between Turkey and Israel have been cancelled since Hamas instigated war against Israel in October 2023.

Expert Analysis

“A civilian airliner was forced to make not one but two emergency stops, flying on what little fuel it had left and presumably at needless risk to its passengers, due to the bloody-mindedness of Turkish authorities. There can be little doubt that this behavior is influenced by the Erdoğan government, whose long-simmering hostility toward the Jewish state — and affinity with Hamas terrorists — has boiled over into plain view in recent months.” — Mark Dubowitz, FDD CEO

“Given Turkey’s ongoing support for Hamas, punitive actions targeting Turkish Airlines were already an appropriate consideration for American policymakers. After this incident, we should be fast-tracking such discussions.” — Richard Goldberg, FDD Senior Advisor

“In February 2023, when Turkey experienced its most devastating earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people, Israel quickly sent relief teams and came to the rescue of countless Turks in their darkest hour. In contrast, today, the Erdoğan government chose to play politics by refusing to refuel an Israeli passenger plane — an act that defies basic decency and counters good human nature. This is absolutely shameful.” — Sinan Ciddi, FDD Non-Resident Senior Fellow

“Shin Bet Foils Hamas Terror Plot Tied to Turkey,” FDD Flash Brief

“Turkey’s Erdoğan reigns supreme at hypocrisy and double-speak,” by Sinan Ciddi

“Lawmakers Urge Blinken to Hold Turkey to Account for Assault on U.S. Citizens,” by Sinan Ciddi

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