Letters to the Editor: Safety concerns about T.J. Dolan Drive

11 Sep 2023

Published Sep 11, 2023  •  2 minute read

Photo by Pict Rider / Getty Images

As a resident of Douglas Street whose property abuts T.J. Dolan Drive, where it runs beside the Avon River, I was recently hand-delivered a survey requesting my views as to whether or not T.J. Dolan Drive should be closed to through traffic. I was then quite surprised that, without being notified, the matter appeared quite recently before council and the issue of closing dismissed, meaning it remains open.

Drive - Figure 1
Photo The Beacon Herald

If I had been notified the matter was before council, I would have sought the opportunity to explain to council that, in its present state, traffic routinely exceeds the posted speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour and poses a serious danger to the cyclists and pedestrians, often with children, strollers and pets, who regularly enjoy this walkway.

According to a recent article in the Beacon Herald, no reference was made to this danger but rather, when dismissed, the meeting focused solely on a parking issue.

Why was I not notified that council was dealing with this matter?

Why was there no discussion about the dangerous conditions that exist on this section of T.J. Dolan Drive?

Was council given the results of the survey which anecdotally favoured closing and, if not, why not?

Perhaps to ensure that council is doing the right thing, they should have another meeting before finally disposing of this issue.

The safety of residents and visitors is at stake.

Bruce Frazer, Stratford

Asbestos and Avon Crest

I  would like to commend Jane Marie Mitchell and the Stratford Heritage Group for their outstanding drive to save the legacy of the people who raised the money to build Avon Crest Hospital.

I wonder what they would say if they could speak?

My main concern is how the company that is demolishing the building would keep micro-particles of asbestos and lead from the paint on the walls from entering the environment.

Both the asbestos and the lead are cancer-causing materials.

Ignoring this danger is to put everyone around the hospital area at risk.

These facts have been verified and are available.

Lorne Bolton, Stratford

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