Southeast Saskatchewan voters speak out in pre-election poll

2 days ago

Local News

Written by Steven Wilson Tuesday, Sep 17 2024, 6:00 AM

(file photo)

Over the weekend, we had a poll on DiscoverEstevan to find out the thoughts of voters in the southeast ahead of the provincial election, which will likely be called in the coming days. Those who took part in the poll answered which party they were most aligned with, which party they were least likely to vote for, and which leader they trusted the most. The responses below are for the three ridings around Estevan - Estevan-Big Muddy, Weyburn-Bengough and Moosomin-Montmartre. 

Of those who took part in the poll, 53.8 per cent named Carla Beck of the NDP as the leader they trust the most. When separating the responses by gender, 50 per cent of men and 63.6 per cent of women named Beck as the leader they trust the most. 

Current Premier Scott Moe has the trust of 28.2 per cent of the respondents, which broke down to 35.7 per cent of men, and 9.1 per cent of women. 

As for which party most aligns with the values of the respondents, 46.2 per cent said the NDP aligns with their values, and 30.8 per cent said the Sask Party aligns with their values. The Buffalo Party aligns with the values of 10.3 per cent of respondents, as does the PC Party. Just 2.4 per cent said the Sask United Party aligned with their values. 

When asked which party they are least likely to vote for, 38.5 percent said the Sask Party would not be getting their vote, and 28.2 per cent said the NDP is the party they would least likely vote for. The Buffalo Party and the Green Party both had 12.8 per cent of respondents saying they wouldn’t be getting their vote, with 5.1 per cent saying Sask United and 2.6 per cent saying the Progressive Conservatives.

 Keep in mind our poll is not based on response to questions on and was not conducted using scientific research methods.

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