Letters: BC Ferries' timeline for new boats keeps slipping

13 hours ago
BC Ferries

'I am appalled by the comments from BC Ferries CEO, Nicolas Jimenez, in the Dec. 6 Coast Reporter that BC Ferries is “about to submit for approval its application next month to order 5 new major vessels.'


I am appalled by the comments from BC Ferries CEO, Nicolas Jimenez, in the Dec. 6 Coast Reporter that BC Ferries is “about to submit for approval its application next month to order 5 new major vessels.” All of us who use BC Ferries are well aware (as is BC Ferries) that this should have been done years ago, as prices have risen substantially over the last few years. 

The ferries are a lifeline to those of us on the Coast. It is not a matter of if but when these vessels undergo a total breakdown and any amount of engineering work through the night is not going to be enough. Additionally this is a custom build to suit the infrastructure at loading and discharging terminals, so the number of suitable shipyards is small. If you are going to buy one here, and two there, the total bill will be higher than buying a package. Shipyards worldwide are pretty full through 2027 and beginning to fill up slots for later deliveries already. 

Does BC Ferries have plans, specs? With new fuel compliance regulations coming into effect from Jan. 1, 2025 does BC Ferries know what propulsion units they will need?  

It seems to me that every time new deliveries are brought up by BC Ferries, the timeline slips and I would expect that to continue. 

Trevor Lavender 

Hopkins Landing 

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