Annual Report 2023/24

2 days ago

Find out about our mission, our work, our people and our organisation, together with our annual financial statements for 2023/24.

Promoting global monetary and financial stability

The BIS fosters central bank collaboration and provides banking services to its institutional partners in an increasingly complex environment. The Bank focuses on developments in financial markets, monetary policy, financial stability and innovation and encourages dialogue among central banks on these topics.

In-depth analysis and insights

The BIS supports central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability. Our research seeks to provide thought leadership on matters relevant to the global central banking community and policymaking. 

Promoting international cooperation

The BIS acts as a global forum for dialogue and cooperation among central banks and financial supervisory authorities from around the world. In 2023/24, authorities focused on how to curb inflation and on drawing lessons from the March 2023 banking turmoil. In addition, the challenges and opportunities digitalisation poses for the global monetary and financial system remained an important topic.

The bank for central banks

The BIS provides a broad range of banking services to central banks and other official sector customers. Activities include deposit-taking, gold and foreign exchange trading services, and the management of pooled fixed income products and dedicated investment mandates. Banking staff also manage the BIS's own funds and conduct knowledge-sharing activities for the broader reserve management community.

Fostering innovation

In this time of rapid and often unpredictable technological advancement, the BIS is dedicated to both enhancing current financial systems and forging new technological frontiers. The Bank has positioned itself at the forefront of financial technological innovation, bringing its central banking expertise to collaborative technological experimentation – always with the goal of supporting central banks in upholding their core mandates of monetary and financial stability.

The way we work

Promoting international cooperation is central to our work at the BIS, as are cooperation and collaboration among the talented people and teams who work here. A core set of values underpins our way of working, aimed at building a more innovative, inclusive and socially responsible organisation. 

Governance and organisation

The BIS is governed at three levels: the General Meetings of member central banks, the Board of Directors and BIS Management. Each of these bodies participates in the governance and decision-making related to BIS activities in the areas of international cooperation, policy analysis, banking operations, corporate operations and innovation.

Financial results and profit allocation

The Bank's balance sheet and financial results are driven mainly by its banking activities and by the management of the funds associated with its shareholders' equity. The annual net profit is allocated as a dividend or transferred to a reserve fund according to the Bank's Statutes.

Financial statements

The BIS's financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2024 provide an analysis of the Bank's balance sheet and profit and loss account, together with other financial, capital adequacy and risk management disclosures. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Statutes and accounting policies of the Bank, and are externally audited.

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