Charge of the light brigade: Charting the rise of micro-ATM channel

2 days ago
The micro-ATM channel has held its own despite growth in digital payments and pricing not being raised

ATM - Figure 1
Photo Business Standard


Micro-ATMs’ growth must be seen in the context of what’s happening in the legacy ATM market

Raghu Mohan

“We want to be the Blinkit of cash delivery,” says Suneel Aiyer, mentor and advisory board member at PocketATM. Its business model: Put idle cash in kiranas’ tills back into play. Assume you want Rs 2,000 in cash, you flash a QR code at the outlet; your account is debited and cash is handed over. A matching credit entry is made in the merchant’s account. The clever part here is not PocketATM’s idea but that it has cottoned on and seeks to breathe life into a long-forgotten circular issued by the National Payments Corporation of India (March

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First Published: Jun 30 2024 | 10:28 PM IST

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